
Showing posts from April, 2020

CCP Update- State Guidance

Hello All, I wanted to pass along some guidance regarding CCP. If you are a current CCP student or plan on taking CCP courses next year, please take the time to read over this document.  Here some points I want to highlight from the document: Intent to Participate Deadline Students in public schools must provide a completed Intent to Participate form by April 1, 2020. The extended deadline is May 1, 2020. Public schools will accept Intent to Participate forms via electronic mail, postal mail, or other options using social distancing. Counseling sessions should occur remotely via telephone or other online method to the greatest extent practicable. The ability for secondary schools to accept forms after the May 1 deadline may be considered to respond to particularly exceptional circumstances. Student Eligibility-Placement Tests  Colleges/universities cannot test new students for summer term enrollment for eligibility and admission consideration due to...