CCP Update- State Guidance
Hello All,
I wanted to pass along some guidance regarding CCP. If you are a current CCP student or plan on taking CCP courses next year, please take the time to read over this document.
Here some points I want to highlight from the document:
Intent to Participate Deadline
Students in public schools must provide a
completed Intent to Participate form by April
1, 2020.
The extended deadline is May 1, 2020. Public schools
will accept Intent to Participate forms via electronic
mail, postal mail, or other options using social
distancing. Counseling sessions should occur
remotely via telephone or other online method to the
greatest extent practicable. The ability for secondary
schools to accept forms after the May 1 deadline may
be considered to respond to particularly exceptional
Students in public schools must provide a
completed Intent to Participate form by April
1, 2020.
The extended deadline is May 1, 2020. Public schools
will accept Intent to Participate forms via electronic
mail, postal mail, or other options using social
distancing. Counseling sessions should occur
remotely via telephone or other online method to the
greatest extent practicable. The ability for secondary
schools to accept forms after the May 1 deadline may
be considered to respond to particularly exceptional
Student Eligibility-Placement Tests
Colleges/universities cannot test new students for summer term enrollment for eligibility and admission consideration due to shut down of campuses and ACT/SAT testing. Depending on length of pandemic, colleges cannot test new students for fall term eligibility and admission consideration.
For summer and fall terms 2020:
1. In order to meet student eligibility requirements, a student shall have an overall high school grade point average (GPA) of 3.0, if that prospective College Credit Plus (CCP) student has not had the opportunity to complete an assessment exam due to this emergency.
2. If a prospective CCP student had previously completed an assessment exam and did not meet student eligibility requirements based on those scores, a college can consider that student is eligible if the student has an overall high school grade point average of 3.0.
3. The institution of higher education still has the opportunity to use institutional standards for admission decisions and placement into courses.
4. Colleges shall collect data related to the multiple measures used in anticipation of reporting to the CCP Data Portal.
5. Once the student has been determined as eligible, has been admitted, and has enrolled in summer and/or fall term courses, the student remains eligible for the remainder of their participation in the program. There is no need to re-test for eligibility purposes.
Grading CCP Courses using Pass/Fail
Many colleges want to give the option for students to have Credit/No Credit or Pass/Fail (or some other similarly named grade) on a college transcript in lieu of a final letter grade. Currently, administrative code lists Pass/Fail graded courses as “nonallowable” for College Credit Plus, unless that course is an internship course. The rule does not apply to a transferable course that is graded on a pass/fail basis for all students enrolled in the course.
1. For spring term 2020, if a college or university provides the option for all enrolled students to choose a Pass/Fail grade for a course section, then a College Credit Plus student is permitted to choose a Pass/Fail grade under these circumstances. A student shall have the option of either a P/F or a letter grade.
2. Students shall be advised by secondary school and college staff that a P/F grade may have future implications on weighted grading and class rank at the secondary school, NCAA eligibility, OHSAA eligibility, and certain graduation seals that require a grade of B or better.
3. Secondary schools will recognize a passing grade in a college course and provide high school credit for that course as a substitution for a high school graduation requirement.
4. If the reason for the student’s grade of “F” or failing the course on a P/F scale is due to a lack of technology, lack of internet access, or other COVID-19-related disruptions, and the option of withdrawing is not available to the student from the college, then the secondary school shall not seek reimbursement from that student/family for this course.
Please reach out to me or your college advisor with any questions or concerns you may have.
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